Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Rosaceae <Pyreae> Crataegus <Punctatae> punctata (sensu stricto)
Crataegus punctata Jacq.
ALI: no HAB: f-8,7,10?, n/a, C?, 4 ABU: g9, s4?, -3
This appears to be rare in Ky. but it is close to collina, which has more records, and the separation here is tentative; see also B. Putative hybrids between these two species have been named as species; FNA 9 lists C. incaedua Sarg., C. collicola Ashe and C. disperma Ashe but there is inconsistency. In its narrow sense (D, F), with only diploids known (FNA 9), punctata is still a complex northeastern taxon, with Appalachian extensions mostly at higher elevations (HFG, W; Lance 2014). Hybrids with crus-gallii (?disperma) may also be widely scattered within the southern part of this range (Lance 2014). C. punctata can be distinguished from collina as follows: inflorescences larger (mostly 10-25 flowers versus 5-12); fresh mature fruit usually deep red, 12-22 mm wide (versus orange, 8-12 mm), completely glabrous including the calyx (versus pubescent and persistently so on the calyx); calyx lobes usually subentire (versus glandular-serrate); flowers usually with 20 stamens (versus 5-20); leaves usually with 7-10 pairs of strongly impressed lateral nerves (versus 4-7 pairs, moderately impressed), those of flowering branches usually 3.5-5 x 2-3 cm (versus 2-3 x 1.5-2 cm), those of vegetative branches mostly obovate, deeply cut or with narrow spreading lateral lobes near apex (versus mostly elliptic, not deeply cut but sometimes slightly lobed); and twigs ashy gray (versus dark). Plants with more hairy twigs and leaves, centered in the northern Ohio Valley, have been called var. canescens Britt. (Gl, F).