Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Cuscutaceae [Convolvulaceae] Cuscuta epithymum
Cuscuta epithymum (L.) L.
ALI: EU HAB: H-10, n/a, D?, 6 ABU: n/a, n/a, 4
This is the only alien species of Cuscuta known from the state, and the only one in the distinct subgenus Cuscuta (with n = 7 versus mostly 15 in Grammica). All records in Ky. were made during 1902-1914, when several counties were listed by Gm, but few colls. have been found. C. epithymum became epidemic in fields of clovers and alfalfa, commonly contaminating seeds collected from the crops. Intensive inspection and management appears to have eradicated the species in Ky., but it may still be widely scattered across northern states and adjacent Canada (F, Cr, PL).