Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Ericaceae <Ericoideae> Epigaea repens
Epigaea repens L.
ALI: no HAB: 11,12, n/a, A, 3 ABU: g9, s8, -1
This creeping subshrub is widespread across eastern North America, but only east of the Mississippi Rv., and it is largely absent from the Ohio Valley west of the Appalachians (K). It is largely restricted to dry infertile acid soils. Gm's unverified reports from several western Ky. counties may be dubious, and they are mapped here as open dots; but see also Oxydrendrum arboreum, Vaccinium stamineum and Quercus coccinea. In the Shawnee Hills, Epigaea is verified from CHRI (EKY) and two counties of s. Ind. (D, PL).