Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Fabaceae <F-Trifolieae> Melilotus officinalis
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam.
ALI: EU HAB: R-10, ::, D, 5 ABU: n/a, n/a, 6
This biennial or annual is widespread across North America, but less frequent in relatively warm or dry regions compared to albus; see notes under that species. In Ky. officinalis has been frequent for at least a century, especially along roadsides. There was no record of cultivation in 1902 (Gm). However, both officinalis and albus have been widely grown across North america, especially in western states, for diverse uses: soil reclamation, nitrogen-fixation and phytoremediation (before Lezpedeza cuneata); wildlife forage through foliage and seeds; honey production with bees; hay, silage and pasture for livestock (Ogle et al. 2008). There are even some reports of use for human food in central Asia (e.g. Koul et al. 1982). But high coumarin levels can cause exceesively bitter taste for cattle, and partially decomposed plants can become toxic for mammals due to production of the anticoagulant dicoumarin (Rizk & Kamel 1991, Ogle et al. 2008).