Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Hydrangeaceae [Saxifragaceae] Hydrangea cinerea (arborescens var. discolor, deamii)
Hydrangea cinerea Small
ALI: no HAB: 11,7?, \, C?, 3 ABU: g8?, s4?, -1
There have been several reports from Ky. of H. arborescens var. deamii St. John, also known as ssp. discolor (Seringe) McClintock or H. cinerea Small. However, colls. cited under these names from across the central Mississippi Valley (in Ark., Mo., Ill., Ind., Ky. and w. Tenn.) are generally less distinct than typical cinerea; see also notes by Y. Most or all colls. from Ky. that have been given these names seem to be only somewhat hairier forms of arborescens, scattered across southern regions of Ky., and they may not deserve recognition. The most distinct colls. are from relatively small-leaved short plants on infertile gravelly banks of smaller streams in LYON and TRIG (APSC). Typical cinerea may be largely restricted to the Southern Appalachians (Ala., Ga., N.C., S.C. and e. Tenn.), especially on base-rich soils (McClintock 1957; Pilatowski 1982; Cr, W). Based on McClintock and others, lower leaf surfaces of typical cinerea are grayish with moderately dense grayish pubescence, the hairs with distinctive tuberculate bases (perhaps lacking in Ky.), while those of typical arborescens are mostly glabrous except along major veins. Leaf blades of cinerea are broadly ovate to orbicular; arborescens has similar shape (L/W = 1-1.5) or often more narrowly ovate (L/W = 1.5-3). Sterile (marginal, radiant) flowers may be more frequent or larger: averaging ca. 1-1.3 cm across versus ca. 0.7-1 cm in arborescens. It remains possible that some plants that have been named "cinerea" represent transitions from arborescens to H. radiata Walt, which has more densely pubescent, white-felty leaves (but the hairs mostly not tuberculate) and more frequent sterile flowers (though not unusually large). H. radiata is largely restricted to the southern Blue Ridge escarpments (Ga., N.C., S.C., Tenn.). Its only record from Ky. (Pr) may have been based on a cinerea-like plant; no coll. has been located.