Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Vitaceae Ampelopsis cordata
Ampelopsis cordata Michx.
ALI: no HAB: 1,4,6,7?, n/a, D, 3 ABU: g10, s9, -3
In Ky. this southeastern species is widely scattered but concentrated along larger streams and rivers, especially in western regions. It has spread locally onto uplands, probably after forest clearance. Short (1840) just noted: "on the banks of the Ohio River." The northern limit of this species is close to the Ohio Rv. in Ill., Ind. and Ohio, and further east there are only a few records north of S.C. (K). Given colls. of just leafy shoots, cordata can be confused with species of Vitis, especially vulpina; Vitis is distinguished from other Vitaceae by its distally connate petals (versus distinct), brown pith (versus white) and exfoliatuing bark (versus adherent). Leaf blades of A. cordata differ from those of V. vulpina as follows (FNA 12, W): base truncate to subcordate (versus cordate), unlobed to shallowly 3-shouldered (versus unlobed to deeply 3-lobed), mostly 5-12 cm long (versus 5-18 cm).