Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Apiaceae <Api-Selenieae> Ligusticum canadense var. nov. {southern Appalachian variant}
Ligusticum canadense (L.) Britt. var. nov.
ALI: no HAB: 1,9, n/a, B?, 5? ABU: g6?, s4, -1
These plants are known only from the southern Cumberland Plateau in Ky., Tenn. and Ala., and perhaps from in or near the southern Blue Ridge of Va., Tenn., N.Car. and S.Car. (GH, KY, NCU, TENN). They are generally restricted to naturally open habitats, especially on seasonally xeric rocky soils. In Ky. they are known only from the open boulder-cobble bars along the Cumberland River and its major tributaries, but in Tenn. it may extend along streamheads onto uplands (M. Brock & A. Floden, pers. comm.). This variant differs from typical canadense in its leaf-segments: which are usually somewhat rhomboidal (versus ovate) and narrower; the largest segments of lower leaves are ca. 1-2.5 (3) cm wide (versus (2.5) 3-6.5 (7) cm); the largest of upper regular leaves are ca. (0.4) 0.7-1.5 (2.2) cm wide (versus (1) 2-3 (4) cm), and usually less serrated than lower leaves to almost entire (versus equally serrated or nearly so). Mature plants are generally shorter: ca. 5-10 dm (versus 10-20 dm). Also, leaves are usually plain green (versus rather deep bluish-green); and stems usually do not darken much with age (versus dark blackish or purplish brown).