Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Ruscaceae [Liliaceae**] Smilacina [Maianthemum*] racemosa (ssp. r.)
Smilacina racemosa (L.) Desf.
ALI: no HAB: 5,7,11, n/a, D, 2 ABU: g10, s10, -3
This complex species (2n = 36, 72, 144) is widespread as ssp. racemosa in mesic woods of northern states and adjacent Canada, but extends further south into east-central states than stellata. It is sensitive to browsing by deer (Frankland & Nelson 2003), and may be largely removed by livestock. Typical eastern plants are tetraploid (2n = 72). Mapped records here include the southeastern segregate, var. cylindrata Fern. (F), which has not been recognized in recent treatments (W.