Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Thelypteridaceae [Polypodiaceae] Amauropelta [Thelypteris] noveboracensis (Parathelyoteris n.)
Amauropelta noveboracensis (L.) S.E. Fawcett & A.R. Smith
ALI: no HAB: 6,7,5, n/a, B, 3 ABU: g10, s10, -3
This occurs in northeastern and Appalachian regions, with somewhat disjunct western extensions to the Shawnee Hills and Ozarks. It is typical of submesic to subhydric sites on acid soils in thin woods, especially within transitions to more hydric seeps. It appears to become more abundant in some areas due to browsing of competing herbs and woody plants by deer, but it can decline with intense browsing (Goetsch et al. 2011, Nuttle et al. 2014, Wilbur et al. 2017).