Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Alliaceae [Liliaceae**] Allium <Amerallium> cernuum (oxyphyllum)
Allium cernuum Roth
ALI: no HAB: 12,10, +, E, 5 ABU: g9, s8, -2
Broadly defined, this complex species is widespread on xeric base-rich sites across North America, with several regional or local segregates that can be recognized (SC, W; R. Dever & D. Ford-Werntz, pers. comm.). Some plants in w. Ky. (in rocky glades of LOGA) appear more robust and flower later, suggesting a transition to stellatum, but without the spreading stellate corolla of that species. See also notes under stellatum, which may have been confused in some cases; 2n = 14 in both species. With some biogeographic parallels, cryptic variants may also exist among associated xerophytic calciphiles in Sedum, Mononeuria, Cerastium, Houstonia, Rudbeckia and Sporobolus.