Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Hemerocallidaceae [Liliaceae] Hemerocallis fulva
Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L.
ALI: AS HAB: f-10,8,7,4, n/a, D, 4 ABU: n/a, n/a, 6
This commonly cultivated "day-lily" was first recorded from Ky. as an escape in the 1930s (B). It is often impossible to distinguish persistent plantings of this popular species from spontaneously established plants. Included here are records from GALL and MARS (KY) of the double-flowered var. kwanso Regel. In addition, the yellow H. lilioasphodelus L. is collected from OLDH (DHL), but perhaps only persistent after cultivation. Various cultivars and hybrids involving these taxa are also commonly grown, often persistent, and perhaps spontaneously dispersed.