Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Asteraceae <Senecioneae> Packera [Senecio] crawfordii (S. pauperculus var. c.)
Packera crawfordii (Britt.) A.M.Mahoney & R.R.Kowal
ALI: no HAB: 9,6, n/a, C?, 5? ABU: g4?, s1?, -5
This is a somewhat obscure globally rare segregate of the pauperculus complex that has been found in scattered damp grassland sites of east-central states, mostly from the Ohio Valley to the mid-Atlantic regions (Kowal & Mahoney 2016; K, W). There is a cluster of reports from the central Cumberland Plateau, but there has been confusion here with P. paupercula; Colls. by R. Jacobs from MCRE and WHIT (EKY) are probably closer to paupercula. The only confirmed record of crawfordii from Ky. appears to be an 1842 coll. of C.W. Short (PH) from "flat wet barrens of Henderson Co.Ky. fl. May 5th" (HEND). There is also an old record of crawfordii from Clark Co. Ind. (Kowal & Mahoney 2016), thus it is likely to have occurred in adjacent JEFF. P. crawfordii differs from typical paupercula as follows (W): leaves with 11-25 teeth per margin (versus 3-10); leaves not triple-nerved (versus somewhat so); plants 28-50 cm tall (14-30 cm); larger basal leaves including petiole 10-26 cm long (versus 5-10 cm); stem leaves pinnatifid (versus unlobed, entire or few-toothed). D.K. Trock (in FNA 20) did not recognize this or other segregates of paupercula; and stated "Species boundaries in Packera are imprecise."