Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Orchidaceae <Triphoreae> Triphora trianthophoros
Triphora trianthophoros (Sw.) Rydb.
ALI: no HAB: 7,5,6, ::, C?, 1? ABU: g10, s7, -3
This mysterious semi-mycotrophic species is widespread in the eastern U.S.A. but rarely seen. It occurs in mesic forests (broadly defined), but mostly on rotted logs, along paths, near wetland margins, or in other interruptions of the ground vegetation, "usually developing only at remote periods" (F). Flowering appears generally sporadic from year to year; dense masses of plants usually appear about two days after heavy rain and large drops in temperature during late July and August (Dister 2005; D. Dourson, perfs. comm.). Most Ky. records come from Appalachian regions, especially during recent decades. Records from the Bluegrass and Knobs all date from before 1950. The remarkable coll. from FAYE (NY) was dated Jul 1833, by Robert Peter, apparently stating: "in thin woods man[aged] in grass[es]. Lexington."