Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Poaceae <Paniceae> Dichanthelium <Macrocarpa> [Panicum] leibergii
Dichanthelium leibergii (Vasey) Freckmann
ALI: no HAB: n/a, n/a, n/a, n/a ABU: n/a, n/a, 0
This diploid (2n = 18) occurs mostly in the upper midwest, but extending close to Ky. in s. Ill. and s. Ohio (FNA 25, K). Although traditionally treated as a rather non-descript ally of the commutatum complex, recent analysis of DNA suggests that it has a near-basal position among all North American Dichanthelium (Majure et al. 2023). D. leibergii has been reported from Ky. in the past (J, K, W), but verified colls. have not been located. A provisional report from HARD by R. Cranfill (pers. comm. to M) was based on a misidentified coll. of boscii (KY).