Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Asteraceae <Cichorieae> Crepis capillaris
Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr.
ALI: EU HAB: F-10, ::?, D?, 6 ABU: n/a, n/a, 4
This annual or biennial is scattered in cool temperate humid regions of northern states and adjacent Canada, typically occurring in mowed areas on fertile soils. It is easily overlooked in comparison with pulchra (FNA 19, Y). C. capillaris has smaller heads, and stems are non-glandular (versus viscid); 2n = 6 (versus 8). A closely related species of colder zones, C. tectorum L., has also been reported from JEFF (herbarium of Ind. Univ. SE), but it is probably not established in Ky. or other southeastern states (K, W).