Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Equisetaceae Equisetum <Hippochaete> praealtum (robustum, hyemale var. affine*)
Equisetum praealtum Raf.
ALI: no HAB: 1,4,6?, n/a, C, 4 ABU: g10, s9, -2
In its broad sense, E. hyemale L. is widespread across subtropical to cool temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Its var. affine (Engelm.) Calder & R.L. Taylor applies to North American plants, which are now considered distinct enough to deserve species status (Christenhusz et al. 2019; W). E. praealtum varies much on overall robustness, from about 18 to 220 cm tall (FNA 2). Habitats are generally similar to arvense: especially sandy or gravelly shores and ditches that retain water supply through the summer. But, on average, hyemale may be associated with wetter and more shady habitats. Although somewhat toxic, this species can be rapidly reduced by cattle (eating and trampling), as found at Kankakee Sands in Illinois (A. Nyberg, pers. comm.)