Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Iridaceae Belamcanda [Iris] chinensis [I. domestica]
Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC.
ALI: AS HAB: f-12,10, n/a, D, 4 ABU: n/a, n/a, 5
This "blackberry-lily" was widely planted in Ky. as an ornamental early after settlement (Short & Peter 1835; Gm). It has persisted or spread into many sites, including thin woods and open land, especially on rocky ground. [Compare also notes of Gm on Saponaria officinalis.] Gattinger (1901) considered the species potentially native in Tenn., but there is no real evidence to dispute its apparent East Asian origin. Althougfh ihe species does often occur in remote sites, especially at woodland edges along old rocky roadsides, there is generally little or no invasion of intact rocky glades or grasslands dominated by native species.