Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Fabaceae <F-Desmodieae> Desmodium <Longibracteata> cuspidatum (bracteosum)
Desmodium cuspidatum (Muhl. ex Willd.) DC. ex Loud.
ALI: no HAB: r-10,8, n/a, D, 4 ABU: g8?, s7, -4
This rather large-leaved Desmodium is widely known from across east-central states, espcially in the midwest (Mo., Ill.) and coastal New England (K). However, it has generally disappeared from New England, apparently due to loss of original openings and perhaps decline in ground disturbance for seed germination (Skogen et al. 2010). It is generally uncommon in Ky. and associated with remnants of open woodland or brushy grassland on relatively moist, fertile soils. It appears to have relatively deep running roots, and is usually associated with annual disturbance from mowing, driving or trampling; see also notes under the ecologically similar Orbexilum onobrychis. It is easily overlooked and poorly collected. A relatively hairy coll. from BOON (KY) may be referable to var. longifolium (T. & G.) Schub., or perhaps hybridized with D. canescens. Var. longifolium is largely midwestern but with scattered records from some southeastern states (PL).