Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Orchidaceae <Orchideae> Platanthera [Habenaria] herbiola (flava var. h.*)
Platanthera herbiola (R. Br. ex Ait. f.) Lindl.
ALI: no HAB: 4,6,1, n/a, C, 4 ABU: g9, s7?, -3
This northeastern taxon is generally distinct from typical flava, but ranges ovelap in the Ohio Valley and some colls. have been hard to assign. In Ky. herbiola is largely Appalachian and occurs along small streams that flow most of the year. Species status has been proposed for herbiola by some authors (e.g. Lindley 1835 in Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl., Short 1840, Sm, Homoya 1993), or entertained by some (e.g. FNA 26, W), but denied by others (e.g. Cr, Yatskievych 1999). P. herbiola differs from typical flava in the lip, which is usually narrower, oblong and obtuse (versus broadly ovate to orbicular or quadrangular, often emarginate). Also, the spike is usually more congested, with at least the lower bracts much exceeding their subtended flowers (versus about equalling). There are 2-3 (5) full-sized leaves (versus usually 2 excluding a 3rd much reduced); also leaves tend to be darker green. Flowering in Ky. occurs mostly from early Jun to early Aug; averaging about three weeks earlier than flava in the Red River area (D. Dourson, pers. comm.).