Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Rubiaceae <Spermacoceae> Edrastima [Oldenlandia*, Hedyotis] uniflora
Edrastima uniflora (L.) Raf.
ALI: no HAB: 2,9, ::?, C?, 6 ABU: g9?, s3?, -4
This southeastern annual occurs mostly on the Coastal Plain along shorelines of stagnant waters; 2n = 36, 72. See notes on habitat under Oldenlandia boscii. Edrastina uniflora differs from Oldenlandia boscii as follows (W): stem pilose or villous or rarely glabrous (versus glabrous or nearly so); leaves mostly ovate or broadly lanceolate (versus mostly linear or linear-lanceolate), 4-10 mm wide, generally with L/W = 2-3 (versus 1-3 mm wide, generally with L/W = 5-10); flowers in compact clusters of 3-10 or rarely solitary (solitary or rarely 2-3); plants annual (versus pennernial).