Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Asteraceae <Heliantheae> Silphium terebinthinaceum var. t.
Silphium terebinthinaceum Jacq. var. terebinthinaceum
ALI: no HAB: f-10,9,12, n/a, D, 5 ABU: g7, s6, -5
This widely scattered, variable species occurs mostly in the upper midwest, but with disjunct populations in some regions of southeastern states that have a history of pre-DeSotan grassland (Braun 1950; K, W). Typical var. terebinthinaceum has scabrous upper leaf surfaces; var. lucybraunieae is glabrous. In Ky. typical plants appear largely restricted to the Coastal Plain, plus adjacent hills, and the eastern section of the Pennyrile Karst Plain, plus adjacent hills. There appears to have been some planting along roadsides (e.g. Zilpo Road in BATH), which can cause confusion with regard to native range. There may be some hybridization with laciniatum and pinnatifidum; see notes under those species. Further southeast, from the Ridge & Valley to the Piedmont and Coastal Plain, terebinthinaceum is largely replaced by the related species (or species-complex), S. compositum Michx.