Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Caryophyllaceae <Sclerantheae> Geocarpon [Mononeuria, Minuartia*, Arenaria] glabra (A. groenlandica var. glabra)
Geocarpon glabra (Michaux) E.E. Schilling
ALI: no HAB: 12, ==, A, 6 ABU: g9, s3, -1
This Appalachian species occurs mostly on granitic rocks or sandstones at moderate to low elevation (W). In Ky. it mostly occurs on gently sloping to flat outcrops of sandstone, sometimes associated with Phemeranthus teretifolius. It has been described as winter annual or annual (FNA 5), but iit can be a short-lived perennial, based on cultivation in a rock-garden by JC.