Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Rubiaceae <Rubieae> Galium [clade III] mollugo
Galium mollugo L.
ALI: EU HAB: F-10, ::?, C?, 5 ABU: n/a, n/a, 4
This Eurasian perennial is a widely scattered weed in northeastern regions, but uncommon to absent in southeastern states. The first record from Ky. was provided by Medley et al. (1983). G. mollugo is now locally abundant in low fields and stream corridors within northern counties of Ky. bordering the Ohio Rv., and in WASH along roads near Bardstown, also spreading along Western Ky. Parkway and other highways in central regions of the state. Variation needs further study (Cr, W); 2n = 22 to 88. Both mollugo and verum (sensu lato) are now widespread in humid cool-temperate regions of North America, often growing together in fields and roadsides.