Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Ranunculaceae <Ranunculeae> Ranunculus <Polyanthemos> fascicularis
Ranunculus fascicularis Muhl. ex Bigelow
ALI: no HAB: 10,12, n/a, E, 3 ABU: g9?, s6?, -3
This largely midwestern species occurs in relatively dry rocky calcareous woods and glade margins. It appears to be rare in the state, but it can be easily confused with hispidus. It differs (F, Cr) in the principal leaves being longer than wide (versus about as wide), with "later basal leaves pinnately divided into linear or oblong leaflets or linear-segmented leaflets" (versus "palmately 3-parted or 3-5-divided, their segments or leaflets oblanceolate, obovate to rhombic"). Also, stems and leaves have silky-canescent hairs (versus appressed to spreading). Roots are tuberously thickened, only 1.5-5.5 cm long (versus 8-15 cm). Fruiting heads tend to be smaller (7-11 mm versus 5-8 mm), with a conic receptable (versus ellipsoid or clavate); and achenes tend to be smaller (2.2-3.2 mm long versus 3-3.5 mm), with a less distinct keel.