Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Linaceae Linum <Linum> usitatissimum
Linum usitatissimum L.
ALI: EU HAB: n/a, n/a, n/a, 5 ABU: n/a, n/a, 0
This annual crop plant (flax) is a widely grown cultigen (2n = 30) that may be not be truly naturalized, but there are records from railroads, roadsides or urban gardens in FULT (R. Athey at NCU), JEFF (NCU), MADI (KNK) and PULA (BEREA). Although not much cultivated in Ky. during recent decades, it has been widely distributed across southeastern states for ornamental use along roads. Two other blue-flowered species may be expected and confused with usitatissimum. L. perenne L., from Europe (2n = 18); and L. lewisii Pursh, from western states but often distributed as a "wildflower" in eastern states and apparently native in W.Va. Both have smaller capsules than usitatissimum, distinctive capitate stigmas, and eciliate inner sepals (W). Further checking of identifications is needed.