Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Alliaceae [Liliaceae**] Nothoscordum [Allium] bivalve
Nothoscordum bivalve (L.) Britt.
ALI: no HAB: 11,12,10, n/a, D, 4 ABU: g9, s8, -3
This diploid (2n = 18) occurs in thin woods and natural openings from southeastern states to South America. In Ky. it occurs mostly on base-rich soils, with moisture conditions generally intermediate between those of Allium cernuum and A. canadense. Although generally restricted to native vegetation, this species does persist and flourish locally in mowed lawns. Such sites occur where grassland or open grassy woods (with post oak) used to occur, for example, in vacant lots around Western Ky. University (WARR). Nothoscordum differs from Allium in its usual lack of onion odor, its longer tepals (10-15 mm versus 2-9 mm), and more ovules per ovary (18-30 versus 3-6); see W.