Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Lamiaceae <Lamioideae> Physostegia cf. speciosa (virginiana* var. s.)
Physostegia speciosa Sweet ?
ALI: no HAB: r-10,9?, n/a, D?, 5 ABU: g9?, s7?, -3
Mapping here is provisional. It has been suggested that these widely cultivated robust plants are of hybrid origin from both virginiana and praemorsa (F, Cr; Cantino 1982). Cantino did not name such plants, but "speciosa" retains potential usage pending further taxonomic work. The geographic origin of these plants is obscure, but could be the region of overlap between virginiana and praemorsa, from the Ozarks to the Ohio Valley to the Appalachian Plateaus. They have been grown for many decades in flower gardens, and sometimes persist or spread into adjacent roadsides. Records mapped here are mostly from roadsides in valleys of Appalachian regions and the Knobs, with virtually none from more natural vegetation. But plants do occur in more natural habitats along rivers in central Ohio (P. Zale, pers. comm.); these plants are notably drought-sensitive in cultivation. Based partly on F as well as direct observation, speciosa is relatively robust (mostly 0.7-1.5 m versus 0.4-0.7 cm), with spreading rhizomes and larger leaves (mostly 2-3 cm wide at mid-stem versus 0.8-2 cm), "more gradually and sometimes scarcely reduced above"; calices have fewer glands or none, and tend to become globose in fruit (versus campanulate).