Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Polygalaceae Senega [Polygala*] cf. lonchophylla (P. senega var. latifolia)
Senega lonchophylla (Greene) new comb. ?
ALI: no HAB: 11,5,7, n/a, D, 2 ABU: g9, s9, -2
This taxon is the broad-leaved segregate of senega that occurs in rocky subxeric to mesic woods of east-central states. It has been previously known as P. senega var. latifolia Torr. & Gray, but species status has been suggested by Trauth-Nare & Naczi (1998), and is favored for this Atlas. Trauth-Nare has labelled these plants as P. lonchophylla Greene, but more work is needed to ensure proper typification.