Kentucky Plant Atlas

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Rosaceae <Amygdaleae> Prunus <Padus> virginiana (var. v.)
Prunus virginiana L.
ALI: no HAB: 11,8,12, \, D, 3+ ABU: g10, s6, -1
This diploid (2n = 16) small tree or shrub, with unusual spreading rhizomes (Schier 1983, Del Tredici 2001), is widespread across North America except the southeast, where it extends south to Ga. but only at higher elevation. Almost all verified records in Ky. since 1980 are from the Kentucky River Palisades, where it occurs on or near rocky limestone ledges, especially near points with partial opening in the woods. Most records elsewhere are old and some remain unverified. These include an 1870s coll. from "Bear Grass Creek" in JEFF (NY). B collected it from a "heath bald" in LETC (check US), and reported it from CART and MCRE. There is a 1937 coll. from BOYD (GH); but the record from LEWI (MM) is erroneous (= Viburnum prunifolium). Further west, the species has been reported from nearby in Ill., Mo., Ark. and Tenn., but the formerly reported coll. from HICK (ex MUR at HTTU) was misidentified Itea! The species is occasionally cultivated for its ornamental blossom; plants can be highly vigorous despite being here at the edge of its range. Flowering in Ky. occurs mostly in late Apr to early May, starting about the same time as serotina but finishing 1-2 weeks before serotina is done. P. virginiana differs from serotina as follows (FNA 9, W): colonial, thicket-forming shrub from rhizomes (versus not so, a small to large tree); bark not aromatic with cherry smell (versus aromatic); leaf blades usually ovate or obovate with L/W ca. 2 (versus lance-oblong to oblong-ovate with L.W ca. 2.5), the lateral veins ca. 6-18 lateral per side and impressed (versus 15-30 and not impressed), dull above (versus glossy, drying darker); leaf teeth extending mostly 0.2-1 mm from distal sinus, usually acuminate and pointing outward (versus 0.1-0.5 mm, usually blunt and incurved); calyx lobes relatively narrow and acute (versus broad, plunt), their margins conspicuously glandular-erose (versus entire or slightly glandular), not persistent on fruit (versus persistent); fruit usually dark red to purple (versus dark red to purple-black), highly astringent and acid (versus moderately astringent or bitter and sweet).